A few hours before your rum arrangé tasting
Can you serve your rum arrangé directly from the bottle or container at room temperature? Yes, it is possible. It’s actually how rum is traditionally served in Reunion. However, Maison Isautier’s advice to prepare for the tasting is to place your rum in the freezer a few hours before serving. The bottle will frost, and the temperature of its contents will fall below zero. This will result in an entirely different and surprisingly new experience. It’s how we recommend serving our iconic Arrangé Banana Flambé: by frosting your bottle, you get a noticeable contrast between the temperature of the rum and the notes of flambéed fruits and melted caramel. You can also frost your homemade arrangé. Once filtered, it’s no problem, your creation can also be placed in the freezer for a while.

When the time for tasting has arrived
The rum is ready, the tasting is organised, and there are just a few small details left to consider. In what type of glass should you serve your rum? Shot glasses are perfectly appropriate. If you don’t have any, you can also use a rocks glass, like the kind you would use to serve a ti’punch.
Another tip, while serving a rum arrangé as an aperitif is the obvious choice, you should also consider serving it at the end of a meal, for a change from the usual digestif choices.

How about in a cocktail?
Tasting your rum arrangé pure allows you to appreciate the entire aromatic and gustatory bouquet of the preparation, whether it’s a rum from our range of Arrangés or one of your homemade creations. However, just like gold rums, whose notes are completely different from those of a white rum, the arrangés are an ideal base for creating cocktails. Spark your imagination by exploring the “Cocktails” section of our website. There, you’ll find a variety of recipes, like our Island Mudslide, made with our Arrangé Coffee Vanilla, or the Piña Péi, made with Arrangé Lychee Passion Fruit.

Post tasting: preserving your arrangé
The tasting has come to an end, and it was a success (of course). Now, let’s discuss how to store your arrangé while waiting for the next tasting. Whether it’s your creation or ours, storing at room temperature is entirely possible. It’s best to keep it in a dark location, like a cupboard.
Another suggestion, circling back to our recommendation to serve your arrangé frosted, your bottle can also go back into the freezer. It can stay there for several months without being altered.